integrated & Hands-on
Our teaching units integrate the teaching of reading with the teaching of important science and mathematics concepts. Units include children's books and poems along with simple hands-on science activities and connections to mathematics in order to promote student understanding of national standard concepts within a holistic setting.
purposeful design
Our teaching units are specially designed to teach the concepts set forth in the national standards; activities are not just "about" the topic, but are designed to focus on those aspects of the concepts crucial to student understanding and retention.
Our teaching units use technology to enhance student learning - technology that helps students see and experience the concepts being taught. Units include a variety of interactive tools, including mathematics tools such as a bar charting tool.
Teachers customize units by adding notes, directions and classroom insights. In addition, data on student thinking can be collected and reviewed throughout the unit; classroom photos can be uploaded and incorporated into lessons to enhance student engagement.
parent involvement
Teachers easily customize content for their own Parent ConnectorTM website which allows for them to communicate with parents to facilitate parental involvement in student learning. Suggestions for at-home activities to supplement and reinforce learning are provided. Classroom photos allow parents to see their child's learning environment.
high-quality support
Teacher forums, moderated by best-practicing teaching professionals, promote the use of best-practices within classrooms; units include significant amounts of teacher support, guidance and background information.