Evidence of a problem

What's happening in Classrooms, results from student Achievement data, a lack of any meaningful Progress over time — these data provide ample evidence of a serious & ongoing problem in science education.




*  Simply replacing a text-book or worksheet with an   e-version is not enough. *  Technology must facilitate and promote interactive learning with interactive charts and simulations, relevant video and images. * Technology must offer the ability to follow multiple paths of learning, and opportunities to customize and personalize resources.














Appropriate Technology





*  When students are actively engaged with important content - students learn important content. *  Content must be designed from the concepts articulated in the national standards - not just be comprised of activities about those topics. *  Content must be accurate and pedagogy must be based on research-based best practices.














High-Quality Content


*  Build and grow a database of student ideas - correct, incorrect, & partially correct - that can be used to analyze classroom artifacts. *  Analyze student responses & interactions and provide the teacher with a diagnostic assessment and possible interventions. * Monitor & track student data to ensure progress is being achieved.















Artificial Intelligence


Systems to address the critical needs of science education

must include each of these three components.

Principles & Ideals

High-quality content built from the NextGen Science Standards.

Content is at the heart of everything we do!
Inquiry-based, experiential learning designed to allow students to develop their own understanding of the concepts articulated in the standards.
Units designed to teach the concepts set forth in the standards — as opposed to activities "about" a topic, including a laser focus on criteria crucial to student understanding & retention.
Children's <BR><BR> Literature

Delightful stories and beautiful illustrations to provide a thematic basis for student learning.
Units that include children's books & poems, hands-on science activities and connections to mathematics in order to promote student understanding of national standard concepts within a holistic setting.
Sound  <br> <br> Pedagogy

Units designed around research-based best practices in teaching & learning by science educators and education researchers.
Student <br> <br> Thinking

Attention to student thinking built into teaching materials because children rarely come to science class without their own ideas about the world.
Appropriate <br> <br> Technology

Technology designed to help teachers deliver and students learn high-quality content — as opposed to technology for the sake of technology.
Multiple paths to allow for student learning to progress in any number of natural and fluid ways. Ability to employ student data to further instruction.

Join the effort!

Send us a message...tell us how you'd like to be involved...we'll keep you posted on our developments.

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 query@nviznideas.com Content & Technology to Advance Student Learning 1270 Hendersonville Rd, St 4C, Asheville, NC 28803

© 2017   nVizn Ideas LLC